wtorek, 15 listopada 2016

Harry Potter - interesting facts!

Hello everybody! It’s Ginny and Luna and special for Potterhead we’re  going to tell us about Harry Potter and his friends!!! Maybe  to begin nice some interesting things? So… let’s start!!

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania harry potter grafika

          -Harry’s second name is James.

            -Severus Snape has got 35 years old.

            -1 galleon = 5 pound  = 7 euro = 8 dollars’ or 29 zloty

            -Fred and George have got birthday 1 April.

            -Teachers don’t stay at school on holidays-only Filch doesn’t go home.

            -On some portraits at Hogwarts are the faces of the film crew.

-In baskets in the hut of Hagrid were to sit small ostriches, but before they reached the film grew and did not fit
 in baskets.

Thanks for reading and see you soon!

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