piątek, 28 października 2016



Internet safety is very importanat. In order to participate in our Blog, please read the following list of agreements and then sign.
Thanks for your cooperation!

1.     I will use only my first name.
2.     I will use language appropriate for school.
3.     I will not insult any of my fellow students of their writing.
4.     I will try to spell everything correctly.
5.     I will not bully others on my posts or in my posts.
6.     I will never use my friend’s account.
7.     I will personalize my blog and keep my writing authentic, while taking responsibility for anything blogged in my name.
8.     I will only post photos which are school appropriate.
9.     I will never share personal information such as my address, my telephone number, my parents’ or guardian’s work address/telephone number, or the name and location of my school without my parents’ or guardian’s permission.
10.                       I will tell a trusted adult if I come across anything that makes me feel scared.

Student signature & Date

School year 2016/2017

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