wtorek, 28 lutego 2017
My holiday
Last summer I flew to Asia, it was my first time when I was flying on the plane. The journey took five hours. I went there with my parents and younger brother Jan. While I was there I met new culture, I tried unusual dishes for us and I bought a lot of souvenirs from this place. At the airport we learned that on the plane there wos no place for my dad adn brother, and so we waited for a few hours for another place. Fortunately, we managed to get home and we had lots of stories to tell my granfather.
piątek, 24 lutego 2017
A ROLLING STONE GATHERS NO MOSS - powiedzenie używane w odniesieniu do osoby ,która lubi częste zmiany [np.często zmienia miejsce zamieszkania,zajęcie itp.,nie chce się ustabilizować i osiąść gdzieś na stałe]
i z tego powodu nie jest w stanie zgromadzić majątku ani też niczego się dorobić.
Hi everyone!
Today I want to show You top 5 of my favourite...Pink pokémon!
5. Jigglypuff
Jigglypuff is a pink baloon pokémon. Evolve into Wigglypuff
It's so cute!
4. Cleffa
Cleffa is baby pokémon is prevolution of clefairy. Evolve into clefairy. Is so sweet!
3. Audino
Audino is a fairy type pokémon.It can evolve into mega audino only. It's the bomb of cutieness!
2. Mew
Mew is a very interesting and mysterious pokémon. It's cute and very inteligent pokémon. It's the beginning of all pokémons.
And the last one is....
1. Sylveon!
Sylveon is a fairy pokémon, one of eight evolution of eevees. She is very strong and beautiful...isn't she cute?
Thank You for reading my article and have a nice day!

piątek, 17 lutego 2017
Przysłowie stosowane w sytuacji,w której nowy szef lub pracownik,aby się wykazać swoim kompetencjami,przeprowadzą radykalne i gruntowe zmiany czy też porządki.
piątek, 10 lutego 2017
A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED - przysłowie, zgodnie z którym przyjaciel pomagający w potrzebie jest tym prawdziwym; podobnie jak w przysłowiu: Prawdziwych przyjaciół poznajemy w biedzie.
czwartek, 9 lutego 2017
Hi everyone!
Today I have some of my hobbies for you.
I have a lot of hobbies ,but one of my favourite is rhytmic gymnastics.
I started when I was 6 years old! Then I revaleated my talent. RG is very, very hard sport. It has 5 accesories- a rope, a hoop,a ball, clubs, and (the most effective) ribbon.
All of those tools are of course special tools.
I train 6 days in the week to be great, I often go to the competition. My idol is Margharita Mamun.
I have some success at this sport...
This is photo with my rope.
Thank you for reading my article and have a nice Day!
środa, 1 lutego 2017
A FLY IN THE OINTMENT-komentarz używany w sytuacji, w której drobny, acz irytujący element psuje cały pozytywny efekt lub znacznie utrudnia sprawę;podobnie jak w powiedzeniu: ,,Łyżka dziegciu w beczce miodu".
My favourite singer
My favourite singer is Katy Perry.
Her real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.She was born in 1984.She lives in Santa Barbara in California. She has black, long hair and blue eyes.
In 2001 she released her first album ,,Katy Hudson". It did not become popular immediately. However the song ,,I kissed a girl" made this album known to the audiences all over the world. Her next album ,,Teenage Dream" brought her fame and fotune. She also made a movie about herself ,,Katy Perry-Part of me". She lent her voice to smurfette in the movie ,,The Smurfs" and it's continuation. In 2013 she published a new,fantastic album ,,Prism". Her best songs in this album are ,,Birthday" and ,,Unconditionally".
My favourite Katy's album is ,,Prism" and my favourite song is ,,Teenage Dream", ,,Legendary Lovers".
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