poniedziałek, 30 listopada 2015

St. Andrew`s Day - Scotland
On 30th November we met together to get to know about the patron of Scotland. 
St. Andrew's Day is the feast day of Saint Andrew. It is celebrated on 29th or 30th November.
 In Scotland, and many countries with Scottish connections, St Andrew's Day is marked with a celebration of Scottish culture with traditional Scottish food, music and dance. In Scotland the day is also seen as the start of a season of Scottish winter festivals encompassing St Andrew's Day, Hogmanay and Burns Night.
Edinburgh - the capital city.
The Saltire - the flag of Scotland. St Andrew's Day is an official flag day in Scotland.
Thistle - plant symbol of Scotland.
Red lion - animal symbol of Scotland.

czwartek, 19 listopada 2015

Już po.... I Międzyszkolny Konkurs "ABOUT THE USA" rozstrzygnięty!
19 listopada gościliśmy w naszej szkole nauczycieli wraz z uczniami ze szkół 34, 51, 139, 170, 173, 193, 204 i 205. Uczniowie  rywalizowali w pięciu konkurencjach dotyczących wiedzy o Stanach Zjednoczonych.
Oto zwycięzcy:
I miejsce - SP 193
II miejsce - SP 114
III miejsce - SP 204.
Zwycięzcom gratulujemy a wszystkim dziękujemy za świetną zabawę!

czwartek, 12 listopada 2015




Do you know:

- its capital city?

-the name of its flag?

-how many states there are?

I Międzyszkolny Konkurs Języka Angielskiego "About the USA"

Next Thursday on 19th November our school is going to host the representatives of other primary schools from Lodz taking part in the 1st tournament in English "About the USA".  Each team will consist of three students. They will compete doing different tasks.
Hopefully, everybody will have a great time.
We keep our fingers crossed for our team.

czwartek, 5 listopada 2015

LONDON is a fascinating city! What do you know about London? Have you ever been to the capital of England? Let`s share your experience!

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania london napis